Monday, July 2, 2012

i am a ridiculous person.  lets just start with that.

my parents visited this weekend, so following my crazy golf road trip, i spent all day saturday with them.  we walked around harvard sqaure and harvard.  we went to their natural history museum, which was actually really cool.  they have an exhibit on glass blown flowers.  it was so spectacular i keep forgetting that the items in the display cases were made of glass - i just thought they were flower specimen.  so that was good.  then we went to lunch followed by going to cirque de soleil Totem.  as always, CDS was phenomenal.  i would love to be the technical engineer for their stagework because it is always so incredible.  after that we got lobster rolls because we were right at the harbor.  they were quite yummy.

then yesterday was kickball color wars.  i went all out, as you knew i would.  but it was the first time i did something ridiculous in a public place.  generally i'll wear crazy costumes in a party or secluded setting.  this is the first time since, well, since high school that i walked in public like this.  and when i first walked outside and felt the breeze... i got nervous.  i looked like this
so uh, ya.  you can understand.  i walked to the subway and realized i had to just smile right back at people or else i'd be taken as crazy - well, actually crazy instead of just silly crazy.  so i smiled kind of a "ya, pretty crazy right" sort of smile.  then i got on the T.  i hadn't tried sitting down up to this point, and so that was tough.  you can tell these were some short shorts.  (i like this photo because martha and i got asked if we shopped at the same spot for our shorts)  anyways, a number of people asked to take photos of me on the T.  one guy even asked to take a photo with me.  I have that one on my camera and i'll upload it sometime.  
anyways, when i got to the brunch (keggs and eggs was canceled), i was the only one to have dressed up.  THAT WAS AWKWARD.  i ordered a very alcoholic drink and took a seat.  later when i walked to the bar, i got cat called for the first time in my life.  not sure if they knew i was a boy.  on a similar note, i once wondered to myself, "what would i have to do to prove to people i am a straight man under all of this nonsense?"  that question went unanswered.  so, i got to the bar and met up with my team.  THANKFULLY, my team went pretty hard as well.  this is us at the end of the day.  you can't even really see me
theres a guy who bought a purple suit, and a bunch of people in purple skirt/wigs.  anyways, they went big.  so that was good.  but before we all got to the bar, we had to play our rivals (friendly rivals of course) at kickball.  and for that........ my parents attended.  now, i'll preface this with my parents know i'm cooky.  they know i got it from my brother.  and they've seen me do crazy things before.  but not in a long long time.  so everyone was excited to see their reaction.  and i was excited to see as well.  i'll also say, i had told my mom i wouldn't love them anymore if they didn't show up to the field in purple.  its color wars, you have to be in purple if you're supporting the team.  so they did come in purple.  I'm trying to find a picture of it, but can't quite yet.  
we ended up losing the game, but we won color wars by a mile.  not even close.  hardly any other team dressed up.  and evidently i'm the front runner in the all star balloting for the following categories:  most spirited (duh), rookie of the year, karaoke king, and karaoke queen.  i'm not sure who thinks i karaoke well, cause they're wrong, but ya, it is what it is.  
on a last note, the team has taken it upon itself to wingman for me with that girl from a couple weeks ago.  i'm hesitant, but we'll see what happens.

crazy things happen in boston

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