Friday, July 13, 2012

Week update on its way

I met up with nolan's friend who got me (effectively) an offer for an iRobot internship and talked to her about my job, my social life in the city, my future, her future.  she's a kickass woman in engineering, a kickass engineer, and a kickass person in general.  I really like her.  she gave me advice about all of the things career related and it was insightful.  she's going to upenn for advanced haptic research for a masters degree, but is delaying that for a year because her part of iRobot is going through development of manufacturing in china and thats an amazing thing to have experiance in and she wants to stick around to learn it.  it was a great talk.  (sorry for the engineering digression, i know i've said i'll keep this just to social issues, but i thought this was a worth while item)

tuesday, went dancing, had great fun like always.  i'm really getting way way better.  i'm at the point where if i know the song, i can pretty much throw in a particular move to match the music.  my move set isn't tremendous, but i can also make up moves with about 40% success rate which i consider admirable.  i can't get enough of it either, i'm going to have to find a place to do this at dartmouth.  AND the international competition for the month of august is in boston and its not too expensive to go.  i really wanna go but it would mean i wouldn't go home.  and i kinda want to go home to see my mom and my grandparents.  dilemnas

wednesday dan came to visit from NYC (he's doing a world tour sort of trip).  we went to pickup kickball and had a good time and then of course went to courtside.  get this, at courtside i ran into julia and anabeth from the barefoot monkeys (at vassar).  they both i guess live in boston area and met up and wanted to go to a pub in the area and through some crazy series of events they ended up at our shitty ass dive bar.  i'm surprised they sat at the bar.  its prettttttty funky looking.  but anyways, i walked in and did what amounted to a triple take before i decided thats julia.  i'm trying to get them to come to kickball sunday, or join kickball in the fall.  but, i'm not going to try that hard.  i like them, but if they're not into it, i won't force it.

yesterday i took off the afternoon to hang with daniel and we went to the historical instrument museum at harvard.  it was awesome.  they have instruments from back in the 1500s all the way into the 1990s.  it was really cool.  then we went to the MIT museum.  that was fantastic.  it had an entire robotics wing.  i'm pretty sure i want to do robotics as my first job out of school - you know before i start companies of my own (that came off douchy, sorry).  but anyways it was cool.  then there was a scientific photography exhibit that was amazing.  if you think about when you did physics in college or high school or even middle school, i can guarantee you one of the images or copycats came from this exhibit.  it was stunning work.  and i'm not always into artwork, but this stuff.  
in the night we went to the best bbq in cambridge/somerville:  redbones.  i took him to underbones, the bar/dining room underneath redbones and its wonderfully decorated in stylized tribal artwork.  great food of course too.

1 more bit of engineering news.  yesterday the company did a demo for the client and afterwards i had two people come to me and ask when my project would be done and how important it is (now that the client mentioned wanting data from the system i'm building.)  but this is the first time anyone has shown interest.  i've placed orders for all the hardware and it should be machined and shipped here in two weeks.  i have at that point i guess 3 or 4 weeks (depending on if/when i go home) before i leave, so there is a tiny window of opportunity to fix any screw ups i've undoubtedly made.  i'm getting nervous.  but i'll take photos and such for myself (and thusly you) when it comes together.

Talk to you later :)

~ p.s. if you're reading this, i'd love to hear if you'd like me to talk about certain things more or less, or just that you exist.  its kind of eery writing a letter to the internet.  i imagine there's someone listening, but i really don't know.

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