Wednesday, June 12, 2013

BYF Revival

hello world.

in order to keep myself active in the coming summer, i guess i'll start the blog up again.

i've done some pretty awesome things over the past 8 months.  i found my engineering passion, or at least the academic field.  I fell in love with control engineering.   i built an electric race car.  it won the electric division of formula hybrid.  that was pretty amazing.  i built an autonomous sail boat.  it could navigate up and downwind and to gps marks you set for it.  i got into grad school.  i'm going to UCLA for control and robotics.  that should be exciting.

i'm not living in boston anymore though.  thats going to be tough.  I had such an amazing time there, its hard to imagine anything comparing.  For now, I'll be living in the bay area.  until i figure out housing in LA.  Maybe I'll crash at a friend's house.
I'm also building an android app.  I don't know anything about android for the most part, but i figure it can't be too hard.

We'll see how i do keeping up the blog.  I don't envsion excitement like last summer, so it might just dwindle.  we'll see though.

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