Sunday, June 16, 2013


i like sharing things.  i liked sharing my legos when i was little.  i liked sharing chocolate and donuts in high school / college.  i like sharing my quirky thoughts about life when they happen.  i can see the appeal of twitter in this regard.  often times i have zany thoughts that, were roles reversed, i know i would want to be included on these thoughts from person X's life.  and i assume once in a blue moon  my friends would like hearing my such thoughts.  twitter is maybe that post-it board of thoughts.  or, thats the first time i've seen value to having a twitter.  because A, i think out loud in WAY too many words on this blog for you to actually read thru, even i know that.  so 150 characters is a succinct sort of way to share but not over share.  and B, it lets you choose when you listen and stop listening in on those thoughts.

so, in the same way, i think i'm scared about moving to another new world (city, friends, school, girls) because the prospect of sharing is so hard not in person.  with a roommate, i can catch him at dinner and say, "david, how many people in the world right now are sneezing?"  and we can discuss.  i can't share that with someone any other way.  and thats what makes not having a 24-7 buddy, be it roommate, girl friend, family member, tough.  

and, its not only not having the person on demand which is unfortunate. its the fact that so many things come up in life that I KNOW my who-ever would want to hear about.  my ex would love to hear about this.  or my best friend from college would love see this video.  and as i think i've posted about before, theres nothing better than being around someone who is passionate about something.  I just love hearing people excited about things.  and while i can post on their wall the thing Y or video Z, its not the same because you don't get to sit there and share the moment.

ok, again i'm rambling. wrap up time

I use this blog for mostly three reasons.
sharing crazy darren thoughts or adventures that i think will be funny for my network to laugh at
documenting the hilarity that is darren trying to figure out dating.
mentioning cool realizations i have about my life and the people around me for me to remember later

so, in my most round-about way of saying things, here's what i realized.

sharing is amazing.  but i should be better at enjoying things without having to share them.  i don't know why i need everything i do to be appreciated by someone else.  its a crutch on independence.
so, darren, go on a hike and don't tell anyone.  or get a phone number and keep it a secret.  thats a good one, keep a secret of any kind.

[this is ironic because i'm sharing this with you in a blog, but whatever, i vacillate between writing the blog for you and for me.  but, whatever]

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