Friday, August 17, 2012

Okay, maybe i'm not fully to blame for that one.

i went dancing last night, not really expecting this girl to want to go.  i also realized i was putting in a lot of effort for some pretty ridiculous stakes.  i leave boston monday.  theres no future with this girl.  i only mildly like her, mostly i was hoping to get better at the dating thing.  but it was just too much effort.  when she asked if i was going, i said yes and she was welcome to join my kickball friends and i, trying to hint that i wasn't interested in a date.  she never got back to me.  then she showed up.  i was in the advanced class (fucking amazing.  i'm literally hooked on this dance.  i'll summarize in a minute).  she spent the evening with the kickballers mostly.  then she came downstairs.  i was more than happy to dance with her but wasn't focused on her by any means.  i was still getting mixed signals from her, but at this point i didn't care.  when we were leaving, i invited to drinks with us and she declined.  i was kinda like, 'ok, i'll see ya then'.  and then i left.  it was weird.

okay, heres what i know how to do in west coast swing
left side pass, under arm turn, sugar push, right sugar push, sugar tuck, reverse sugar tuck, left side tuck turn, closed tuck, left outside turn, right outside turn, left wrap, right wrap, basket whip (and with turn exit), whip, one hand whip, whip with inside turn exit, whip with outside turn exit, continuous whip, swap hand whip, reverse whip, cow whip, promenade whip, right dip, she goes he goes, shoulder wrap, bow
and then maybe 5 or 8 more that i have no idea the name of
also, i've gotten to the place where i can make them up on the fly and they end up working maybe 70% of the time.
its just insane how much fun i have with this dance.  of all the reasons i don't want to move from boston and go back to dartmouth, not having west coast swing is maybe number 3 on the list (behind getting paid, my kickball friends).  number 4 on the list is i'm going to have my ass handed to me.

tonight is my last night with kickballers.  we have the end of the season party and thats the last time i'll prolly see some of them.  they keep asking me to go visit them, but i kinda have a line of people i want to visit and the nyc crew is at the top.  we'll see though.  i'm sure i won't have time for really anyone.
i'm going to talk to girls tonight.  get numbers, even though it will mean nothing.  its good practice.
i'll update you later

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