Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Its been a little while since i posted.
work is still like pulling teeth.  my distributors are dumber than piles of crap.
saturday i met up with james and a friend from home and we did north end (finally) and then got ice cream.  we met with matt and kylie and went to dinner then out to a bar.  I was flirting pretty heavy with the waitress, and she was giving it back.  i asked for her favorite drink, and she reccommended two good ones.  i wrote "you have good taste" then left my name and number.  i thought that was pretty slick.  but alas, she never called.  james and amanda and i headed to logan's frat.  he lives in MIT Tao Epsilon Phi.  there house was the coolest frat i've ever been in.  amazing real estate, huge and awesome rooms, all kinds of awesome engineering geekyness (this was not your frat boy type frat, though those do exist at MIT.  this was a geek's frat.  but no negative judgement from me, i thought it was sweet).
sunday i was actually excited for the drinking.  i got up and went to keggs and eggs and got good and derunk.  played kickball drunk, went to courtside and then in typical darren fashion decided it was time to leave and peaced.
monday i took it easy (i'm finding this to be real important for not dying, taking nights off - or rather, i take mondays off and pretty much that's it).
Tuesday i took a bunch of kickball girls to swing dancing.  i realized half the girls in the class were there as a result of me.  i should get a discount or something.  not only that, they raised the price of the lessons.  kinda lame.  whatever.  i'm absolutely a west coast swing junkie now.  this is kinda bad.

i am no living with two people.  one guy came by to check out the place on monday night.  he's 30 and an odd dude.  the other guy showed up last night and said, "who are you."  I said, "i live here, who are you".  but he's cool.  hes a mechanical engineer at tufts and was working as a marketing intern with a san Francisco.  he made a rap video for the company.  interesting use of engineering talent.  but he's cool.
we'll see how i adapt to living with people.

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