Monday, August 20, 2012

Well, i'm leaving boston this morning.  i'll give you a proper update when i'm in california, sitting on the shore of beautiful lake tahoe.

summer in review
this summer, i wanted to accomplish the following things
(in order of importance)
A) get over my sorrow of leaving college.  friends are great and they'll be great when i see them next, but i needed boston people.  make friends and have fun with them in and around boston
B) have the city experiance i've always wanted to have, even if i'm not in NYC.  take the subway places, go on adventures, swim in the atlantic, do some shit
c) get up to a semiproficient or perhaps moderately functional level at meeting and flirting and persuing girls.  get comfortable getting numbers, asking them on dates, making advances, and if the stars alligned, have a one night stand.  just cause i never believed i had the capacity to do it.
d) develop skills and find out if small company work is what i want to do.  do a project big enough to feel like i contributed.  get paid enough to buy a nice camera by the end of the summer. then go take some amazing boston photos and really get into photography as a hobby
e) make friends with the ex girl, as a sign of being fully moved on
f) don't die in the big city

lets see where i ended up

F was a resounding success, though there were a couple nights it couldve gone either way
E was a failure, but thats okay, i can at least recognize that deep feelings take a while to pass.  still would like them to pass faster, but i can realize whats going on.  this one will come
D was pretty good.  of all the ways the internship could have gone, i am extremely happy about it.  i got some good small lessons out of it, but primarily it reaffirmed that i want to start a company that changes the world for some group of people.  money will come i'm not worried, but working for a company that was developing a medical device that could save peoples lives as opposed to help them grow a virtual cow and buy a virtual plow to clean its virtual crap - i don't want anything to do with that.  even if it does supposedly maybe make them a tiny bit happier.  the job helped me realize what sorts of things i have left to learn from school and how critical going back is, even if i really don't want to.  oh, i spent way way too much money over the course of the summer to buy the camera.  but it was worth it.  i don't have photos, but i wouldn't have had the memories of which to capture
i'm going to skip C for a second
B was another complete and total success.  i rode the bus to virtually everywhere.  by the end of the summer i had actually stopped using my car for everything.  i bussed for groceries, to the dance place, to kickball, everything.  i love boston for having cambridge and then having boston.  downtown boston, while not even 1/2 manhattan, gave me the dense area of a big city, even if in a tiny tiny part.  cambridge gave me the middlesize city where there are sections of just 2 story houses that you can take a breather at while walking around the bustle.  i know manhattan well enough to know its gogogo and you have to adjust to it.  i would love to live there someday, but i think boston was a good stepping stone to that.  there were peripheral parks that i came upon and squares for sitting around in (boston is the city of squares i like say, because everything revolves around a square).
A  friends.  ha.  no one will replace the kevens and peri's of my life.  but the jun and the doctor now have special spots too.  just to name a few.  i was the baby of the group, and got called on it many times, but found that these 10 or 15 new buddies were fun and exciting and their age meant nothing.  now, did it mean caitlyn never felt threatened by me?  yes, but in truth most girls realize i'm a friendzone master and feel unthreatened just the same.  my friends this summer were 25-31 for the most part.  and the only time i ever thought about that fact was when they made fun of ME for being young.  these were just my buddies.  and boy did we have some crazy times.  they helped me get over the dispare of not having my closest 20 friends within a 10 minute walk in any direction.  they could be a 20 minute commute and it worked out just fine, so long as everyone is willing to meet up.  i think only 1 or 2 times ALL FUCKING SUMMER did i say, no, i'm too tired to go out for a drink.  compare that to my senior year self, and you wouldn't believe it was darren.  i truly was a boisterous young fellow.  not many people know where that blog title came from.  its because (a loosely remembered story that i'm sure keven will correct me on) when sarah begley wanted me to go to the bar on a thursday night i said i didn't want to go.  she called me boring and old and i replied that i was a boisterous young fellow.
i was being silly but i did try in the end of the year to start doing more events instead of going to bed.  well, when you're desperate for friends and social interaction, theres a fire lit under your butt.  or my butt.  it really worked.  i was a completely different person this summer from ever before.  i spent money without worrying about if i should be saving for something better.  i just said, fun now is the way to go.  i made the friends and i tried to learn game.
C  all summer i've been trying to walk a fine line about telling you about my escapades.  it wouldn't be right to tell you about a hook up in detail, so i haven't.  it also is something that i started this blog to force myself to do more of (put myself out there in terms of girls).  i'm an amazingly outgoing person, too much in many situations this summer.  james didn't believe me (until he witnessed) when i said i was bad with girls because of how i was willing to do such out there things.  and he's right, i should be better.  but i'm not.  and i wanted to work on that this summer.  so i wrote about it in the blog to kind of let it be known that i had a goal set and so i couldn't hide from it.  this process was slower than all the others.  there was the marine biologist masters student that seemed to really like me and was really pretty and continued dancing with me even when she had the opportunity to escape.  if that happened this past saturday, i would 100% have gotten her number, and 80% likely would have asked her out.  back then, i made up an excuse and i ran away.  gradually i got better at it until i could get numbers without freezing up.  then i realized i was actually supposed to CALL the girl.  dumbass.  so then i started going on dates.  some of these i told you about, others i didn't.  but the whole time, keeping you in the loop was a way to force me to be more bold.  by the end of the summer, i had a crazy ass date with a girl.  that post was about a week ago. i have many different feelings about that post now.  while its true i should take away things like, try your best to give clear signals, i think some of the things she asked of me weren't fair.  i had deep feelings for my ex and it worked in part because i was fully upfront and was myself with her and (i hope) she was ok and in fact liked me for that.  i'm fine putting on nice clothing and doing a little dance to woo the girl if thats the game i have to play, but i should be allowed to be me.  theres a great "this american life" about the numbers of love, and how statistically, there are like 10s or even 100s of people in the world that you would be compattible enough to be in love with.  its not exactly great for the princess bride 'true lub' idea but it fits a little better with this engineer's brain.  anyways, i should be able to be me for the most part and still be appreciated.  so, i didn't need the girl from last week.  i was trying to force the dating with the girl cause i was trying to learn dating again.  she seemed a fit, but really wasn't good for me, so i shouldve left it alone.  another goood lesson.  but i majorly digress.  what was i talking about?  O, that i've come a long way with girls.  ya.  i have.  fuck.  i'm definitely not an author.
the last note to make is that i realized i was correct in realizing i'm not capable of a one nighter.  it would take a certain drunk and she would have to fling herself at me into a cab.  i might also have to hit my head getting into that cab.  like i said, the stars need to align.  but i can't do it.  at least not yet.

in the next days i'm going to decide if i'll continue the blog going forward at dartmouth. its not going to be as exciting (i imagine) because i'll be working my ass off.  but i have to think about it.  let me know what you think.

thanks for listening guys
love, darren

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