Monday, June 11, 2012

The good news is, I'm not hung over this morning.  The bad news is, I didn't get ridiculously drunk in order to be hung over.  But.  That was intentional.

So yesterday started at 10 with me walking half an hour to pick someone up, and then we walked another 45 minutes to the party.  we got to Kegs and Eggs and it was going to be between Kickapotamus (Pink Team) and Kicktease (Purple Team - mine).  But, there were two Pinkies and 7 purples there.  So pretty much we had a team party at the Pink guy's house.  We ate food and drank drinks and it was good.  but it was hot.

Then we walked over to the field and played kickball.  our team is not so good, but we won by way of forfeit.  Then, when we played a scrimmage, we lost.  but we're 2-0 baby!

Then the real fun started when we got to the bar.  Of course this time i DID NOT buy rounds of jeggerbombs, someone else did.  drank a ton, sang some karaoke, and generraly was silly.  my dance moves go over well.  However, I seem to have inheritted the baby role.  One of the girls yesterday said she just wanted to adopt a little brother and teach me about boston.  how cute i was and all.  lame!  (though i'm pretty cute).  Thats okay though, there's 8 teams and I'm meeting people and if I'm the youngest whatever.

I was informed that there was an after party last week that everyone went to, not me because I was too drunk and was walking home by then.  This week they made sure I went.  it was really cool too.  I made friends with a guy named kellen (who is awesome).  he introduced me to hillbilly horseshoes.  it was pretty cool.

Then, i made my way home.  Now for another week of the boring stuff until I can get back to fun!

Oh, and Saturday night, the celtics lost.  But I had a great time at the bar.  Some of the kickballers met up at a sports bar and we sat and drank and watched (but then didnt watch at certain key times).  It was cool.  Not exactly a bar though, it was really kind of a restaurant.

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