Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I made tangible contributions to the company today.  Not to say they need me as opposed to a semi cognizant monkey, but still it happened.

On the boisterosity meter, we (me included somehow) are hosting a friday party.  Its a potluck food/drink party.  I don't know anyone, but deniz does, and he says it'll be awesome.  so, thats gonna happen.

% non boisterous talk %
Its also weird,  I go through periods where I am suddenly incredibly lonely without my vassar people. Like, peri hasn't walked into my house in for fucking ever.  thats a problem.  also, i have 2 numbers of people that I could call and hang out with.  and 1 of them I've kind of leaned on for more than I should so i need to give him a break.  but then, I think about how I get to reinvent myself again.  with no network, theres no image of darren.  I'm not the tactless number cruncher yet.  and thats exciting.
Facebook is actually the go between of those worlds.  its really easy to go onto facebook and stay "connected" with my college friends, just like i did for a while with my high school friends.  but that facebooking actually inhibits me from going and making every imaginable effort to meet and make new friends.  not literally, for the most part I'm not sitting on facebook instead of going out adventuring.  But more mentally.  I wonder what my people are doing and it makes me miss them and it may make me more skeptical or pessimistic about making new friends.

its oddly turning me off to facebook.  but obviously I can't get rid of it or lose the connection to them.

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