Tuesday, June 19, 2012

today was an awesome day.  first of all, i found out i have a reader.  someone cares :P  no but its good to hear i'm not just talking to the world.  although really i'm just talking cause i feel like if my friends blogge about what they were doing, i would want to read it.  so i blog how i would want them too.

but onto the interesting stuff.  i actually enjoyed work all day today.  i realized yesterday if i'm giong to accomplish my project before i have to go to dartmouth, i need to order parts right away.  and that means the guy i'm doing the project for needs to stop giving me half-thought out instructions and fully fledge out the project.  anyways.  i ordered $1800 of parts today and hope to order just under $3k tomorrow.  then i'll spend the next couple days doing mechanical engineering stuff (which is good, I'm a mechE hired as an EE and don't really know what i'm doing, so whenever i get to do something i know how to do, i'm happy).  In th afternoon I started programming the system and that was enjoyable too.  I even worked an extra hour today, cause i was enjoying it and getting paid along the way.  pretty good right?

then i came home and made some leftovers before going to west coast swing.  that was fun to do the lesson.  its all stuff i've done before, but not in a long time, so i need touch up.  after the lessons there was free dancing.  even though i would like there to be tons of cute young girls, its just way more fun dancing with middle to later aged woman.  I'm more relaxed, they're totally unthreatened.  we laugh and have fun.  i danced with prolly 8 or more of them and each of them was awesome.
I may also go back on thursday.  they have thursday lessons which are mostly the same stuff but maybe a little different moves.  we'll see if i go to that.

but i have to tell you what happened during the free dancing tonight.  it was great fun and such, then they paused the music and someone got on a mic and said "we have a birthday"  it was some woman's birthday and they put on a sweet song and the dancefloor cleared, with only her and a man in the middle.  they danced and then he spun her out and she was taken by another man who danced with her for a bit.  i noticed there was a big line.  everyone who wanted to got to have a small period of center stage dancing with the birthday girl.  it was totally amazing.  they played two songs there were so many people who wanted dances.  men, woman, everyone dance wither her.  it was awesome.  clearly it was only for people who had been going to this thing a long time, since she was kick-ass and they all were too.  but it would be fun to be at that level some day.

until next time

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