Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Last night, i mustered up energy and went to target to finally buy house items.  I got stuff that every house needs - cups, a decent pot, dish and hand towels, that sort of stuff.  I also got bed sheets.  they were expensive.  but MAN are they soft and comfortable.  that was the best investment I've made in a long time.  so good.

tonight i'm going swing dancing, to meet people and to ... go swing dancing.  i'm pretty excited.  In all likelihood its a bunch of grandma's (it always is with these things) but maybe there will be some cute girls.  or at the very least some young people.  i'm still in the friend gathering stage, so i'm not looking for dates, but that is in the grand scheme summer plan, so it couldn't hurt.

also, I'm signed up to do this song for the karaoke contest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSQOeQakExU.  I don't think i'll win because there's 2 very capable singers/performers - you know the charismatic, fun to watch on stage, adam fierman types.  BUT, my costume should be the best.  More details to come on this front

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