Saturday, June 2, 2012

So, I decided to make this blog about my new life.  I graduated from Vassar College, so I have those, you know, writin' skillz.  Or something.  So I should be able to do this right?  Well, I don't know who will be reading and what those people want to hear, so I'll just summarize the past two weeks and then I'll be more up to date.

Well, I started off my new adulthood with a drive to Boston and no where to live.  I stayed on a couch and went to work with my entire life in my car.  I worked and people would ask where I was living and I'd point at the parking lot, there.  Well, last sunday I moved into a place.  This place is full of crazy Tufts college students who smoke a bunch of pot and don't live, well, clean.  I cleaned the kitchen spotless on monday cause I knew I was going to be unhappy living in filth, and then I went into Boston on the T.  I got totally lost in china town.  Eventually I stopped and had a beer and then went home.

The next week of work was lame.  sitting in front of a computer for 8 hours is aweful.  Don't graduate.  Seriously, slouching off is way easier in college.  Getting home at 6 exhausted isn't fun.  But it's getting better little by little.

Today, Saturday, I did nothing at all.  I had planned to go to the aquarium and explore more.  But it poured rain today and I got scared.  I don't want to go out in the ick if I'm not going to meet people.  So I sat on my ass and watched TV literally all day long.  Its the most ridiculous slobbery ever.  However, tomorrow is my big day!  I'm playing kickball and drinking with many many new friends!  The waka kickball league was made for young people to make friends.  LIKE ME!  So that will be good.

Check back for more boisterosity!

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