Tuesday, June 26, 2012

i'm going back and forth on discussing my girl adventures.  what is a blog if not for my thoughts.  so i'm going to walk the line again.
i realized i'm not accustomed to be forced to initiate things (duh) and it will just take time and prodding. tonight at dancing i didn't let myself take more than 1 song off in a row.  i asked a bajillion girls to dance.  if my club excuse is that i only like to partner dance, i certainly can't use any sort of excuse why not to ask a girl to partner dance.  so that was good for me.  so on the same point, i think i need to dance with 5 or maybe 10 girls this saturday night.  that will be a good start toward being comfortable asking girls to dance.  there is no friday night clubbing because i'm going to a charity golf tournament.  its for a charity close to the heart of the company and we have a foursome from work going.  rumors have it theres a number of super d-list celebs going, so i'll have to keep you updated.

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